We went to a service yesterday that got me reading Genesis this morning and my wife got me pondering on the issue of friendship this weekend? Well in Genesis God said, 'it isn't good for... man to live alone.
I read an article once that said "I'm lonely and that saddens me. With 250 million people in the United States how could I not have enough friends? It seems as though everyone else's friendship quota is filled and no longer accepting new applicants. It's easy to fill your day with work, kids, spouse, but it's not enough." And if you think it's bad for women, I read that 90% of men report that they don't have one close friend! I know I feel this way at times.
Truth is though that many more people are accepting applications then we are led to believe!
Mother Theresa said, "Loneliness is modern-day leprosy and
people don't want others to know they're lepers." The shame of not admitting we don't have friends keeps us from being honest to the point of transparency allowing us to create a genuine bond with someone that might just be the best friend we ever met?
Throughout Genesis I read, "and God saw that it was good." It's a
recurring theme - that is, until God created Adam. Then He said "It
isn't good for...man to live alone." Think about it, even though the fall hadn't
yet happened and Adam was enjoying uninterrupted communion with His
Creator, because he was without friendship God said it wasn't good? Makes you think huh?
Inside every one of us there's a void that only God can fill. But since the Bible says we're all connected to each other, there's also a people-shaped void that God won't fill. And nothing else can either - not jobs, houses, cars, or money. God says do not be interested only in your own life...be interested in...others.
So whats the answer? The answer to loneliness can be found in reaching out. Finding an unmet need and pouring ourselves into it. Or as I think it was AT&T use to say, "Reach out and touch someone!" Go ahead, try it - you'll be glad you did!