I'm Lost
Here's the deal...I never watched Lost before. My knowledge of the show was basic to say the least. Everyone on a plane is stranded on a deserted island b/c their plane crashed. I am not kidding when I say "I have never watched one episode." However, last night all that changed when I was out to eat and they had it on their big screen. No sound, just visual. Here's what I gathered. They were doing flashbacks of people's lives before the crash. The main focus seemed to be this very pretty brunette and her husband who I think is a cop. It showed their wedding and so on. Then it showed her in some sort of jail. Then it showed her behind some sort of plate glass talking and crying to this cute guy (he was on party of 5 back in the day) and there was a camera watching them. How in the heck are there camera's in the jungle? Next thing I know she's back in her jail and she's looking across to this other guy who's even cuter with semi-long hair. Then she's climbing like a monkey out of her jail and into his. What was the point of the jail thing if she could get out? Then they are making it like jack rabbits and I am wondering...wait, I thought she was married to the cop and what happened to him and didn't I also see her take a pregnancy test that was positive? Listen I know there are LOST fans out there so you better start talking b/c none of this makes sense and I am way curious. Someone must be able to give me the readers digest version. Please I am begging. Hook me up. Thanks.
Thanks for the laugh. That is the best description of last night's episode that could be given by a non-viewer.
The short answer is: get the first two seasons and watch them. You won't be sorry.
The long answer is:
NOW is on the island. Anything NOT on the island is a flashback, which is how we learn about the characters.
The girl is Kate. In the flashbacks this week, we learned that she was married to a cop, who didn't know her real identity. In previous episodes, we find out that her father abused her and her mother, and one night she blew up the trailer with him in it. She's on the run from the law, and in fact was in the custody of a marshal when the plane crashed, but we don't know much more than that. Only Jack (the cute guy behind the glass) knows that she was in custody on the plane.
Jack is a spinal surgeon. He is pretty much the leader (although sometimes disputed) of the group of survivors from the plane crash. We've seen a LOT of flashbacks involving him, his ex-wife, his father, etc. Suffice to say he's a great guy, but conflicted. He's got a thing for Kate, and they've shared a kiss, but their relationship has never really gone further than that, because of...
Sawyer. His real name is James something or other... big back story on that. He's a con man in real life, and due to her back history, he and Kate have kind of clicked. There was a love triangle between Jack, Kate and Sawyer that changed significantly when they "made it like jack rabbits". Sawyer was a conniving, self-serving jerk when they crashed, but he's grown a conscience and a heart it seems, mostly because of Kate.
OK, for the video cameras... well, there was some sort of experiment or something on the island in the 70's call the Dharma Initiative. The survivors of the plane crash landed in two groups: the original group (including these three) and "The Tailies", the group that were in the tail section of the plane that landed on the other side of the island. Both groups encountered strange happenings on the island, including infiltration by "The Others", people who apparently were on the island when they crashed and who seem to have evil intent. We assume The Others have something to do with Dharma, but who knows? Many of the survivor children and even adults have been killed, captured or kidnapped by The Others, and They seem to know a lot about the survivors. There is too much story to go into here, but basically The Others have captured Jack, Kate and Sawyer and seem to be playing games with their minds. Perhaps Jack was captured to save Ben, the leader. It's all very unclear and confusing and that's one of the joys of watching Lost.
I thought the test was negative. Hmmm.
Seriously, rent the first two seasons. This show rocks.
Also, check out the wikipedia entry for more info.
Posted by
Unknown |
4:03 PM
ok wait, what happened to kate's husband??
Posted by
The Mac Fam |
5:59 PM
Come on Honestly? You are pulling my chain really? Life is two short for two seasons! Love ya lunar but man no way!
Posted by
One Man's Struggle To Take It Easy |
8:46 AM
The flashback doesn't show what happens... we may find out in other flashbacks, we may just have to assume from what she said.
Since your volume was off... she told him, "My name isn't Monica." Then she told him what happened with her dad, and how she would always be running from the law. She told him that she loved him. He stood up and tried to speak (my romantic side says that he was telling her it didn't matter, that he loved her, etc.), but she had drugged his drink and he fell down. She said something about she had to leave and that there would be questions if he knew, which was why she drugged him, to save his job.
ABE: Get over yourself. On DVD, a season only takes a couple hours to watch! It is worth it!!!
Posted by
Unknown |
10:06 AM
ok one more question...she didn't kill him, just drugged him while she ran away. Maybe I do need to get the seasons. I just don't have time to get into a show. I don't even watch ER anymore and I was addicted to that show.
Posted by
The Mac Fam |
10:30 AM