Thursday, June 23, 2005

Little Rockers

I couldn't resist taking a picture of 3 boys rockin' out while they watched the video Bring me Down by Pillar. This could be the start of things to come.

Sorry, I haven't had much to share lately. Monday we move and then things should return to normal shortly. Pray for a quick stress free move. Blessings.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Pay up tooth fairy...or else

Last Wednesday Jayden discovered his first loose tooth. At cell group that evening our friend Barb, (who thinks my boys are the cutest ever born and has a 13 year old daughter Jayden wants to marry) told Jayden when it falls out he should find her b/c she is the greatest tooth fairy. Well, Thursday he pulled it out and by Saturday evening at Barb's house the kid had cleaned up. I'll tell you the tooth fairy never paid up like that when I was a kid. Way to go Jayden 1 down and like 20 to go. My sweet litttle Jayden has officially graduated from toddlerhood.

Friday, June 17, 2005



You are amazing to me. You get better and better every year, I am so in awe of how much you inspire me. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our family and our marriage. I appreciate all you do to make US great.
Happy Birthday Babe. You are truly awesome.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

A journal entry

I know I said I was on hiatus but I really need to document some stuff.
I am sitting here at 11:30pm on Sunday night and trying to process this life altering change that is about to take place. For those of you who may not know we are moving out of state in 2 weeks. Besides my mother dying this is the biggest thing ever to happen to me. I am what you might call a daddy's girl, momma's girl (when she was here). I have never lived more than a mile away from my parents my whole life. And now we are leaving and moving 1500 miles away. I have lived here almost 12 years. This is really all I have felt like I really know. I am established. We have the greatest church and the greatest friends, not to mention my family all around us. It's comfortable and secure. It feels safe.

Today, my best friend Jeanette and I spent the whole day together shopping, eating and going to see a movie and the whole day I felt a little sick to my stomach. As I sit here tonight I know the sickness was b/c I am holding inside the pain of knowing I am leaving. Now, maybe you who are reading this are thinking...get over it, people move all the time, suck it up, be a big girl...yadda, yadda, yadda- well, that isn't me. Don't get me wrong, I am very excited about moving. We have a great new place in a great community. The kids schools are, from what I have heard, the best in the area and we will be close to Brian's family. I guess it's like everything in life, there is good and bad in all of it and you have to find the balance in order to finish the race. And the bottom line is this...God is my security, not where I live or who my friends are and that is what will keep me strong through this change. I would still appreciate your prayers and any words of encouragement, we move the same time as my mom's anniversary. Thanks so much and I will keep you posted, literally.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Thought(s) for the day...weekend.

Life has been really crazy lately and I really don't have time to blog, plus we only have dial up while living at my dad's and you know how that is. So, I would like to leave you with some cute little cartoons as I take a short hiatus. Please check back periodically because I will return. Laters!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

If Noelle can do it...

In the middle of a life altering experience...don't ask!

Friday, June 03, 2005

10 Years and counting!

Today is a very exciting day in my little world. Today marks the 10th year I have been married to the man of my dreams. To celebrate, he is taking me to the restaurant we ate at on our honeymoon. Isn't that romantic? If someone were to ask me what I thought the key to a successful marriage was I would tell them, well, God first and foremost and selflessness, laying your pride down and always trying to out love the other one. Oh and most importantly, don't think you have all the answers. Be willing to seek outside help or a mediator of some kind. Remain teachable, no one ever knows it all. I thank God for a man who does all these things and constantly strives to make things better and better and encourages me everyday!

