I know I said I was on hiatus but I really need to document some stuff.
I am sitting here at 11:30pm on Sunday night and trying to process this life altering change that is about to take place. For those of you who may not know we are moving out of state in 2 weeks. Besides my mother dying this is the biggest thing ever to happen to me. I am what you might call a daddy's girl, momma's girl (when she was here). I have never lived more than a mile away from my parents my whole life. And now we are leaving and moving 1500 miles away. I have lived here almost 12 years. This is really all I have felt like I really know. I am established. We have the greatest church and the greatest friends, not to mention my family all around us. It's comfortable and secure. It feels safe.
Today, my best friend Jeanette and I spent the whole day together shopping, eating and going to see a movie and the whole day I felt a little sick to my stomach. As I sit here tonight I know the sickness was b/c I am holding inside the pain of knowing I am leaving. Now, maybe you who are reading this are thinking...get over it, people move all the time, suck it up, be a big girl...yadda, yadda, yadda- well, that isn't me. Don't get me wrong, I am very excited about moving. We have a great new place in a great community. The kids schools are, from what I have heard, the best in the area and we will be close to Brian's family. I guess it's like everything in life, there is good and bad in all of it and you have to find the balance in order to finish the race. And the bottom line is this...God is my security, not where I live or who my friends are and that is what will keep me strong through this change. I would still appreciate your prayers and any words of encouragement, we move the same time as my mom's anniversary. Thanks so much and I will keep you posted, literally.