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I want to share with you a story about my friends Martin and Betsy. I have known Betsy for about 4 years. We met when Brian and I became youth leaders. She was this young (well, she's still young) blonde, cute as a button chick with an adorable personality who changed her hair color as much as she changed her, well you know. I instantly liked her and loved being around her and hanging out any chance I got. What I also loved was how she sincerely loved my boys. Anyway, for the longest time we would just see each other during youth and youth events but all that changed when she got engaged to this equally adorable South African/Canadian named Martin. Martin and I met before they were even engaged and instantly hit it off (maybe b/c I am also Canadian). Betsy asked me or I asked her to work out together. I guess she wanted to get slim before she walked down the aisle (please, she was already slim). So, about 3 times a week we would get together and work out. At first it was a bit awkward and I think we laughed more than we worked but soon we got into a routine and I loved it. Then she came and stayed with me while my husband had to leave town for 6 weeks. At the time my middle son, Jackson was only 4 and a bit of a handful to say the very least. He is very strong-willed. Anyway, it seems that during this 6 weeks she stayed with us he got a spanking every morning (slight exaggeration) and it became a running joke with us that the morning wasn't complete if Jackson didn't get spanked. We would laugh and laugh. Well, yesterday morning (and this hasn't happened in forever) I thought of Betsy and smiled. Jackson had a rough morning and before school got a spanking. Ok, I am not cruel and do not love spanking my kids. I am thinking only Betsy will truly get this. (There is no need to call Family services)
So, anyway her and Martin got married and even asked my youngest son Jayden and my husband Brian to be apart of it. How honored were we. She was the most beautiful bride I think I have ever seen and it made it so special b/c we had watched this romance and they are so truly in love with each other.
The whole reason for this post is this: last year they moved away to Arizona to help pioneer a church called The Life at Scottsdale. It stinks they aren't here anymore and I have to admit, my waist line suffered slightly. But, that isn't the reason I miss them. We are friends and there are just certain people God brings into your life and you just know, no matter where life takes you you'll always be friends. Well, Martin and Betsy are those kind of people and even if our blogs are our only means of communication they will always be apart of my life.
I love you guys!!