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The Rest of the Story...

As promised...the rest of the story. Well, I am sorry to disapoint you but the box was basically empty. It came from Brian's brother, Darin and he had suspended one lone X Box game and at the bottom was a box he was returning to Brian which he had been storing for us since we moved and have none. Anyway, Darin thought it would be hilarious and it really was as the picture shows. So...on with my visit with my dad. The best thing by far was going to the beach 2 days after Christmas. My dad just thought there was nothing better and even fought me when I made him put on sunscreen. He was adamant he was going home red so people would know he'd been to Florida. Well, he got his wish. So, here are the rest of the pics.

Not the happiest Santa I've ever seen but oh well...

Dad, Jayden, Jared, Jackson and my grandfather

...and the whole Motely Crew

The day was beautiful but the water was freezing
