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seasons of change

Change. It happens to us all doesn't it? Whether we like it or not things are always changing. When I think back to one year ago and where my life was I sometimes shudder. I was reeling from a very painful loss. I was highly active in several areas of my church. I was surrounded by a huge circle of friends, some with whom I served with at church and others I had just known for an eternity. My father and I were not speaking (this was to do with the painful loss we suffered). My husband was questioning if he was making the right decisions for our family. Thanksgiving and Christmas were creeping up on me and the list goes on and on. Then change began to take place and I screamed at it to stop b/c it was too much all at once.

Here I am a year later. I still hurt from my loss, everyday and holidays are the worst. My friends are God given friends and even though they moved away they still hold a special place in my heart and I will never forget them even if they forget me. The church I was so active in I no longer even attend although we did find a new one which we are enjoying very much. My father and I are not only speaking but we have a whole new relationship which could never have been born had it not been for change. However difficult. My husband is opening 2 new restaurants before the end of 2004 and seems genuinely happy with his decisions albeit slightly exhausted.

Anyway the point is this ~ I am still here. I am still me. I am blessed beyond measure. The changes I have encountered have been painful, exciting, sad, awesome, memorable but most of all they have taught me not to be afraid anymore. To embrace the change b/c otherwise I might miss what God has for me on the other side. My friend Stacie once told me "Rachel, do you know what you are saying to God when you worry? You are telling Him, You can't handle my problems." That has always stayed with me. Not that I always lived by it but it is forever in the back of my mind. He knows what's going on, whatever changes take place are no surprise to Him. I should just kick back and say "I trust YOU." and keep on keeping on.

So, my question to you is this ~ how do you feel about change?
