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Vacation Update

It has been a pretty eventful few days. Wednesday, I wake up with what I think is just a little indigestion. Little did I know how painful the day would be. Right away I am sitting on the toilet and I pretty much stayed there for 3 hours. Then the waves of nausea set in. Up and down, up and down. I felt like I was in a boat. Then the achiness all over my whole body. My head starts throbbing and it's all I can do just to stand up. Then to top it all off, I start to throw up. Did I feel better? NO!! Now, under normal circumstances this really wouldn't freak me out too much. However, we were leaving town to start our vacation in less than 48 hours and I had a million things to do. So, with everything in me I got dressed, Jeanette picked me up and I went to my hair appointment. Hey, I had to look good for my vacation. I still don't know how I made it through that. I never felt so bad. While there I spike a fever. I tell my stylist not even to bother styling it. I just needed to leave. Jeanette picks me up and I break down and call the doctor. I am desperate and feeling worse by the minute. My doctor isn't even in and no other doctor can even fit me in. So, at this point I don't care. I have the chills and just want to go home and go to bed. Once home and in bed I can't even relax because the waves are so extreme I literally begin shouting out to God. I am begging Him to help me feel better because I can't feel this way anymore. 2 seconds later I am in the bathroom throwing up my guts and everything else. I never thought it was going to end. I somehow crawl back into bed and sleep for about an hour or so before it all starts again. Well, somehow I got through the rest of the day (only because Jeanette is a lifesaver), got up Thursday still feeling gross managed to get everthing finished and only left town 2 hours and 20 minutes behind schedule.

AND... here we are ON VACATION!!!! Currently we are in Atlanta but Monday we are heading for Tampa. The highs all week are lower 80's. Works for me, I was just in 50 degree weather and below. So, far we are having the greatest time. It's so great just to hang and have no where you have to be at any particular time.

I will be updating periodically and hopefully will post pics as we take some. See you guys soon!!
