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Changes changes everywhere.

Did everyone have a great new year? We had a great one. So much fun. We went over to The Fuji's grilled some steaks, made some daiquiris, margarita's and pina colada's and watched a bunch of crap on T.V. It was funny because about 11pm when we were all trying to stay awake. We looked at each other and said "how pathetic are we." We were feeling very old. Once the new year was in we ended up staying up til 1:30am. Not really a good plan when there are 4 little and 1 not so little boys who will be getting up in less than 6 hours. So, about 8am we were all sitting there watching Shrek 2. Great movie by the way if you haven't seen it. About 8:30 Jeanette and Ronnie started making breakfast. Let me tell you, this was the greatest breakfast I have had in a long time. They made Puff Panckakes and bacon. I have never had Puff Pancakes before and they were so good. I am going to get the recipe from Jeanette and post it.

On another note, the weather here has been insane. All last week it was in the high 60's low 70's. On new years day the kids were outside playing in shorts and t-shirts.

And today I am sitting here in my office freezing because it's only 42 degrees. You know what they say about the weather in Oklahoma, if you don't like it...wait.

The title of this post is reflective of our lives right now.
In a recent post I mentioned how there were some life changing decisions taking place and although I can't reveal everything I can tell you 2 of them. I have resigned my position at work. My last day is this Friday. The second thing and this is very exciting, we have put our house up for sale. Not sure exactly where we are going to live or how it will all work but I have total peace about it and that's all you need.

Now, besides joining a gym I didn't make any New Year's resolutions. Did you? If so let me know what they are.
